Yubiori (指折り - One of the Best)

Apr 10, 2019 22:42

Human beings sometimes bend their fingers one by one when counting something.

To count something by bending fingers is referred to as 'yubiori' (指折り) or 'yubi wo oru' (指を折る) in Japanese.

Literally, 'yubi' (指) means "finger" and 'ori/oru' (折る) means "to bend something" or "to fold something."

However, this term has another meaning -- it is "one of the best," because you can count the top five on your one hand fingers.

[Example] 'Kare wa nihon de yubiori no pianisuto da' (彼は日本で指折りのピアニストだ - "He is one of the best pianists in Japan").



文字どおり、「指」は "finger"、「折り/折る」は "to bend" を意味します。


No. 1 green's correction
thanks Toruさん, very helpful. one of the best five in jp!
Thank you for the nice comment! (^^)
No. 2 rebarnes22's correction
  • Human beings sometimes bend their fingers one by one when counting something.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • To count something by bending fingers is referred to as 'yubiori' (指折り) or 'yubi wo oru' (指を折る) in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Literally, 'yubi' (指) means "finger" and 'ori/oru' (折る) means "to bend something" or "to fold something."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, this term has another meaning -- it is "one of the best," because you can count the top five on your one hand fingers.
  • However, this term has another meaning -- it is "one of the best," because you can count the top five on your the fingers of one hand fingers.
Interesting entry.
Thank you so much for the correction! :)